Tajweed rules

English -Kids Tajweed rules T. Intisar Hasoon Kids
3 طلبة المسجلين
0 مراجعة
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  • المنهاج
قسم الأعاجم (5)

Section – Department: English -Kids
Name of the Halaqah: Tajweed rules
Name of the Teacher: T. Intisar Hasoon
Type of Students: Kids
Number of Students: 20
CondDays of the Halaqah: Tuesday and Wednesday
Duration of the Halaqah: 1 hr
Timings of the Halaqah: 5:00 PM KSA
Conditions of the Halaqah: 1. Girls: Age 4-15 yrs old Boys : Age 4-10 yrs old
2. Should be sincere, committed & on time.
